Why I Love Being a Mentor Teacher

Mentoring new teachers is my most favorite part of my teaching career so far. I do love teaching students, but after years in the trenches, I started to lose my spark. Working with student teachers and newly certificated teachers reinvigorated me and has kept me going these past few years.  Here are the reasons I love working with new teachers:

New teachers remind me of why I started teaching

Most new teachers are excited about teaching, and can’t wait to make an impact on students’ lives. After years of the daily grind, I am reminded of why I started this journey.

New teacher give me ideas!

All of my mentor relationships are give and take. While mentors are traditionally seen as the keepers of knowledge, I always learn just as much (or more) from my mentees. I learn by watching them (they bring the latest techniques or remind me of ones I haven’t done in a while), and by asking for their input. 

New teachers keep me in the loop

It’s been a while since I was a student. Most of my mentees have been students more recently than me. I can run ideas by mentees to get their take on if the idea will fly with actual students. They also can tell me what the latest slang words mean!

New teachers give me someone to talk to

Teaching can be isolating. Sometimes it’s lonely being the only adult in the room all day. Having someone I can talk to (even if it is about their teaching practice) make me feel less alone.

New teachers give me peace

I won’t be a classroom teacher forever. This bittersweet idea is less bittered by the idea that I know the wonderful people that will be caring on the profession. It gives me peace of mind to know the future is in good hands!