Two Weeks Out from First Day of School - Things to Gather

I’m a little over two weeks out and trying to savor the last weeks of summer break, but, I’m also beginning to get a little anxious about heading back. Even after over 20 years of teaching I still have back-to-school nightmares and a few twinges of nerves as the first day approaches. For me, a little time preparing for school can help calm my nerves and allow me to stay in a summer mindset for a little longer. 

If you’d rather watch than reach check out the youtube video here.

This week I’m gathering a few things I know I’ll need to start the year. Because I still have a little over two weeks, I won’t stress too much if I don’t check them all off my list this week. As a returning teacher some of these items I can pull off my google drive, but with all of them, I will fine-tune. If it is one of your first years teaching you may need to gather these from scratch. Here’s my advice - DON’T CREATE THEM YOURSELF-  BEG, BORROW or BUY! Google searches can also reveal great resources. Also, these documents will probably evolve over your career, they don’t need to be perfect! (In other words, you have permission not to be Pinterest perfect!)

Here’s what I’m working on gathering:

  • Supply List

  • Expectations

  • Policies/Procedures

  • Welcome Letter

  • Classroom Set Up

  • PBIS/School-wide behavior plan

A few tips for each:

  • Supply List -  Search one, or use this one as a start. Start checking back-to-school sales and thrift stores for items on the list.

  • Expectations - think of general behavior expectations. This is a great time to google search “classroom expectations” and find some you like. Or, refer to The First Days of School by Harry Wong. (I don’t get a commission if you purchase from this link, I just think it is a good resource, also, Wong refers to Expectations as “Rules”.) Here’s a link to the Expectations I use in my classroom (the Three P’s)

  • Policies/Procedures - This may be the most involved item on the list. Think of creating policies/procedures as proactive classroom management. Again, The First Days of School by Harry Wong has a great list. Here is a list of my top 5 procedures:

  • Welcome Letter - Another great chance to search or hop on and search (then sort in order of price, and check out the free letters first.) I like this letter I found on teacherspayteachers.

  • Classroom Set Up - Hopefully you have seen your classroom. Think about how you want to arrange your furniture, and maybe how you would like to decorate. Again, you do not need to pinterest perfect! In fact, waiting to decorate until students arrive and using their work is great, too!

  • PBIS/School-wide behavior plan - Ask your principal or another teacher if there is a school-wide behavior plan (sometimes this is called PBIS - positive behavior intervention system), or see if there is a tiered consequences policy or if the school uses restorative justice or other practice. If there is a school system in place, roll that into your classroom, if not, think through how you will support your students (another great time to borrow ideas from other teachers, especially teachers at your site that are familiar with the school culture).

If this list seems overwhelming, just check one thing off at a time. Start with ones that are easier for you, and remember you do not need to be perfect. All of these items will evolve over time with you and your students.

And, if you want more support and guidance on any of these topics, check out the FREE New Teacher Crash Course!