5 Things to Do Before You Leave for Summer Break

The end of the school year is fast approaching, and there are lots of tasks vying for our time. From cleaning up the classroom, submitting final grades, end-of-year parties, and finalizing paperwork, the list goes on. If you are looking for an end-of-year checklist this one is thorough and free, and so is this one

Just as setting up your classroom is personal to you, so is the end-of-year closeout so if you use a list from above tweak it to work for you. As a list lover myself, I will definitely be using a checklist as I end the year, and I wanted to also share my top five items that must be included. These will save your sanity when you return to your classroom after the summer break.

#1 Write down all passwords! 

Thre is nothing worse than coming back from a blissful vacation and not being able to remember passwords to your computer or the copier code. (This actually happened to me at the copier after a 3 day weekend - I stood for ten minutes staring at the keypad trying to remember the copy code…). Write down key passwords - like the one that will let you into your computer - and anything else that isn’t already saved or can be easily retrieved. Put this in a good hiding spot (but not so good that you forget where it is!)

#2 Create a to-do list

The last thing you want to do before you leave for a break is think about coming back from break, but take a few minutes (3 minutes max) to write down a quick to-do list to get you started. Maybe it is “1. Check and reply to ten emails, 2. gather lesson planning materials, 3. print out seating chart” anything that can get you started when you are back from break. This will give you something to do when you get back and jog your memory.

#3 Write a note about student grades or incompletes

If you are leaving for a break and have students with incomplete grades or anything outstanding write yourself a clear note. Maybe even take a picture and email it to yourself, or write yourself an email in case you need to deal with this remotely over the summer. If a student still needs to take a test, locate and leave the answer key nearby (you don’t want to have to remember where the key is or worse..have to create a new key).

#4 File your stuff

Figure out a filing system that works for you. My rule is the less the better. Most of my documents are stored digitally. I do keep hard copies of tests and answer keys. I store these in binders by class with tabs for chapters or units. Organize what you are keeping before you leave for a break then you can come back to a clean slate (and not have to go digging around for that Chapter 3 test).

#5 Purge (or box it up)

This is a great time to get rid of stuff. Toss it. Old markers can go, broken protractors are goners, dried-up glue sticks are trashed - plus, these types of items can be replaced during the back to school sales in August. If you are not sure about tossing an item and feel like you just can’t let go then put it in a box (not a clear box, one you can’t see through) and label it “Throw away on [insert six months from now]”. Box those things you are iffy about and if in six months you didn’t go looking for them toss the box (without looking inside!).

A little preparation before you leave will make re-entry way less stressful! Happy closing out the year!