Module 4 - Lesson Planning

By this module you should have a good idea of what your classroom will look and feel like. In this module we will talk about lesson planning, which is more of an instructional strategy, but I wanted to include something about lesson planning in this crash course because I think having a clear idea of where your lesson is going will help your classroom run more smoothly.

If you haven’t grabbed the workbook, download the New Teacher Crash Course Workbook here.

My lesson plan is based off of principles of “Backward Design”, or “Understanding by Design”, a framework introduced by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe. You can find out more here Understanding by Design from The Center for Teaching at Vanderbilt University.

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Module 3 - Organization

So far you have identified the important people, places, and things and set up a plan for setting up your classroom to facilitate learning. Next, we will talk about how to stay organized, so you spend more time focusing on teaching, and less time on dealing with a pile of paperwork or an inbox of emails. As we go through this remember, you will need to find a system that works for you!

If you haven’t grabbed the workbook, download the New Teacher Crash Course Workbook here.

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Module 2 - Classroom Set Up

So now, you have the who, what and where’s that will help you set up your classroom and support you and your students, let’s dive into the actual classroom setup.

This video is the longest in the series, but if you hang in there I hope you pick up a few tips and have time to think through some key components of your classroom setup.

If you haven’t grabbed the workbook, download the New Teacher Crash Course Workbook here.

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Welcome to the New Teacher Crash Course

Yay, you are here! I’m so happy to share this Crash Course With You.

You are in the right place if this is one of your first years teaching in a classroom. Maybe your first year was online, or you want a refresher to in-person teaching, or you are just out of teacher school and want to be ready for the first day with students.

The goal of the course is to provide a framework and resources to create a basic classroom setup. By the end of the course, you will have a strong foundation to begin your school year with students.

Before you start the video lesson, download the New Teacher Crash Course Workbook.

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