Setting Up a Student Teacher for Success — Teacher Education Space Jaime Bonato

Setting Up a Student Teacher for Success

I received a request to host a student teacher next school year! To me student teachers are gifts, and not because it means I get to teach less (although by the end of the year I usually do a little less classroom teaching), but because I get to learn the latest tips and techniques from someone in a credential program exploring all the latest educational theories. This will be my fifth student teacher, and I am brainstorming what I want to do and gather before I meet my student teacher. Here’s my list so far:

  • A year-long overview of the course we will be teaching

  • A copy of the latest course policy/syllabus used for the course we will be teaching

  • A detailed plan for the first unit (including assessments) - I will be teaching this, and the student-teacher will be observing, but I want them to see what goes on behind the scenes

  • A teacher binder of info including:

    • Campus map

    • School bell schedule

    • School calendar

    • General school policies

    • A student roster (if I have it before I meet my student teacher)

  • A set of friXion pens (erasable pens...come in lots of colors)

  • A set of flair pens

I also hope to get back in my classroom and set up a work station for my student teacher - a place they can store their things and do their planning.

I won’t find out who this person is until the end of June! I can’t wait!
